Privacy Policy

Personal Information:

To provide service, Orange Foundation Liberia may collect some personal/non-personal information like name, address, contact number, and mobile money account information to facilitate transactions using the Buy from Women (BFW) website or mobile application. Additionally, login information is automatically gathered every time someone logs into the BFW application. Non-personal identifying information such as Internet browser type, IP address, and date and time stamps associated with transactions are also collected.

Use of Personal Data:

If you provide any Personal Data to us, you are deemed to have authorized us to collect, retain,and use that Personal Data for the following purposes:

  1. Verifying your identity.
  2. Verifying your eligibility to register as a user of the BFW App.
  3. Processing your registration as a user, providing you with a log-in ID for the app, and maintaining and managing your registration.
  4. Providing you with services and responding to your queries, feedback, claims, or disputes.
  5. Facilitating communication between buyers and farmers on the app/web and processing your transactions on the app/web.
  6. Performing research or statistical analysis to improve the content and layout of the App/Web, and to improve our services.
  7. If you voluntarily submit any information to the app for publication on the app through the publishing tools, you are deemed to have given consent to the publication of such information on the App/Web ("Voluntary Information").
  8. Making such disclosures as may be required for any of the above purposes or as required by law, regulations, guidelines, or in respect of any investigations, claims, or potential claims brought on or against us.

Cookies Information & Third-party plugins

A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's device containing information about the device. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information while using the service. By setting a cookie, BFW will remember the user the next time they visit the services. The user is always free to decline cookies if their browser permits, although in that case, they may not be able to use certain features of the services and may be required to re-enter information more frequently to use certain features of the services.

The following third-party plugins are integrated into our Services: The Weather Channel and Google Maps Please note that those plugins are not under our control and their use is subject to a third-party privacy policy.


We try to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate and up-to-date and that you can access and make corrections to it. This includes the review and change of your personal information by signing into your BFW account. Please update your personal information immediately if it changes or is inaccurate.


We protect your information using technical and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and alteration. Some of the safeguards we use are firewalls and data encryption, physical access controls to our data centers, and information access authorization controls.

Updates & Changes

Occasionally, we may (at our discretion) make changes to this policy. Any changes will be communicated by posting an amended and restated Privacy Policy on the App/Web. Once posted on the App/Web, the new Privacy Policy will be effective immediately. You agree that any information we hold about you (as described in this Privacy Policy and whether or not collected prior to or after the new Privacy Policy became effective) will be governed by the latest version of the Privacy Policy.

Data Deletion Policy

At BFW Liberia, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled responsibly. This policy outlines how we manage user data and your rights regarding its deletion.

Types of Data We Collect:

We collect and process the following types of data:

  • Personal information (e.g., name, email address)
  • Usage data (e.g., app activity, preferences)

Retention Periods:

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to provide our services and as required by law. If you delete your account, your data will be securely erased from our systems.

User Control:

You can manage your data preferences within the app settings. For data deletion requests, please follow the instructions provided in the app or contact us at the provided email address for verification.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please write to us at-

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Commitments of Orange : Orange acts in accordance with the “Commitments to Responsible Procurement” available at:

Compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct: Orange has designed a “Supplier Code of Conduct” attached to the Contract (Exhibit xx) to share its social, societal, and environmental commitments. By signing this Contract, each Party undertakes to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct and to request its own suppliers and subcontractors and all people under its control to respect the principles set out by the Code.
Orange may introduce some modifications to the Supplier Code of Conduct to always comply with any law, regulation, or judicial decision. The latest version of the Code of Conduct is available at:

Compliance with the CSR Rules: Each Party undertakes to comply and require its subcontractors and all people under its control to comply with all applicable national, European, and international rules relating to ethical standards and responsible behaviors, including but not limited to, rules relating to human rights, environmental protection, health and safety of persons, and sustainable development (hereinafter referred to as the "CSR Rules").

In particular, in accordance with the French Law No. 2017-399 of 27 March 2017 on the “duty of care of parent companies and ordering companies”, the Parties undertake to prevent harm to human rights and fundamental freedoms, health and safety of persons, and to the environment, in the course of their business activities.

Each Party undertakes to refrain and require its subcontractors and all people under its control to refrain from using child or forced labor and fight against all discriminations.

Reporting: The Supplier undertakes to provide Orange with all the information and data needed to:

  1. Comply with any mandatory reporting obligation.
  2. Implement the CSR Rules.

The Parties will meet regularly to review the indicators related to the compliance with the CSR Rules and their assessment or to define an action plan and follow-up measures, where needed.

Audits and assessments: At any time, Orange and/or its authorized representative is entitled to assess or audit, directly or by a third party designated by Orange, the Supplier and its subcontractors and all people under its control, to ascertain compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct in force and the CSR Rules.

In case of sub-contracting, the Supplier shall take all necessary steps with its subcontractors and all people under its control to ensure that they comply with the CSR Rules and to ensure that Orange can access their premises. The means of intervention applicable to the above operations shall be defined jointly by Orange and the Supplier.

Termination- The Supplier shall promptly notify Orange of any breach of the CSR Rules or Code of Conduct that comes to its attention and implement all appropriate measures to remedy such a breach. In the event of a persistent, repeated, or deliberate breach of the above obligations, Orange shall be entitled to terminate the present Contract in accordance with the provisions of the article "Termination".

Orange Compliance Ethics:

Orange Liberia (OLIB) has implemented a compliance policy based on respect for a set of values and principles contained in:

  • he Orange Group’s Code of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy, available at and
  • The national, European, and international legal and regulatory provisions applicable to Orange Liberia in the conduct of its activities including, without limitation, the Executive Order No. 38 of January 6, 2012, establishing an administrative code of conduct for members of the executive branch of the government of the President of Liberia and the Act of legislature prescribing a national code of conduct for all public officials and employees of the government of the republic of Liberia (especially part IX – Gifts, Bribes and Conflicts of interest) dated June 20, 2014; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labour Organization standards, OECD guidelines (particularly regarding efforts to fight corruption), the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, Law No. 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 relating to the transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernization of the economic life (also called “Loi Sapin II Act”), and the French criminal code pertaining to financial and economic misdemeanors and crimes as well as international trade sanctions (embargoes) including any sanctions that may be in force as a result of a resolution passed pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN Charter by the UN Security Council, any sanction that may have been imposed by the European Union (including DGT and OFSI), the United States Government (including OFAC), the French Government, or applicable law, and watch list. These lists are, notably, the "Consolidated Travel Ban and Assets Freeze List" published by the United Nations Sanctions Committee, the "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List" maintained by the OFAC, and the consolidated list of people, groups, and entities subject to EU financial sanctions.

These values and principles are referred to hereafter as the "Rules," including any subsequent modifications.

The Parties undertake to comply with the Rules. In addition, they undertake on their behalf, and obtain from their executives, employees, affiliates, subcontractors, and their respective representatives, that they undertake:

  • To implement the direct and indirect means appropriate for the effective implementation and maintenance of a compliance program to ensure compliance with the Rules.
  • That (i) each of the persons referred to above and who will intervene, directly or indirectly, in any way whatsoever, in the performance of the Contract and (ii) all direct or indirect means, technical, financial, and implemented in the performance of the Contract, comply with the Rules.
  • In order to ensure compliance with the Rules throughout the duration of the Contract, each Party undertakes, on the one hand, to fulfill the requests of the other Party to obtain all the elements justifying its compliance with the Rules, and on the other hand, to inform the other Party without delay of any breach of the Rules committed by it or any of the persons referred to above, as well as the corrective measures put in place to comply with the Rules.

    The Parties declare that they are not registered on sanctions lists, in particular the "Consolidated Travel Ban and Assets Freeze List" published by the United Nations Sanctions Committee, the "Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List" maintained by the OFAC, the “Asset Freeze Target List” maintained by the UK Ministry of Finance, and the consolidated list of persons and entities subject to European financial sanctions. In the event that this statement is no longer accurate for a Party, the Party undertakes to inform the other Party in writing.

    In the event of non-compliance by one of the Parties with the Rules and commitments referred to above, the other Party may terminate the Contract with immediate effect, thirty (30) days from a formal notice to comply with them remained without effect, without prejudice to the damages that could be attributed to the offending Party.


